eu research initiatives
Mandated by SNETP CITE, a platform to support safe, reliable and efficient nuclear systems, the Nuclear GENeration II & III Association (NUGENIA) coordinates the implementation of R&D results to enhance the safety, reliability and competitiveness of Generation II & III NPPs across the EU. NUGENIA has highlighted many of these challenges and research gaps concerning the ageing mechanisms relevant to the safety of nuclear power plants (NPPs).
related projects
Projects that specifically addressed Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) embrittlement include PERFECT, PERFORM60, SOTERIA, NULIFE and LONGLIFE. The FP7 project LONGLIFE studied embrittlement mechanisms, and the H2020 Euratom project SOTERIA further expanded on this research while also investigating the influence of chemical and microstructural differences on embrittlement mechanisms. Ageing management programs and the implementation of regulator guidelines for extending the operating licenses of NPPs up to 60 years were significantly improved. However, there remain several issues that have not been fully addressed.